
I’m a Grown Ass Woman and I’ve Never Seen ‘The Notebook’

the notebook

I am a woman, and I have never seen The Notebook.

W-h-o-a. Did I just blow your mind?

But like any other warm-blooded woman out there, I love Ryan Gosling (no surprise here). So when the news came out that Ryan Gosling was a meanie to Rachel McAdams on the set of the mega hit The Notebook during filming, it came as a bit of a shock to some people. Well, not to me, because I don’t really give a hoot. But I completely understand.

I’ve never been that chick who was here for romantic movies like that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about romance IRL. But when it comes to it being played on screen, ehhh, not so much. Maybe it’s because when sh-t goes down in forreals land, it tends to play out like a comedy.

Real-life romance comes with tripping over invisible sidewalk cracks and getting food stuck in your teeth at the worst of moments (hey, Instagram).

And this is why I like comedies.

Comedies keep it real in the most outlandish ways. (Is this an oxymoron or nah?) They’re just easier for me to relate to. Fart jokes? Love ’em. Weird family functions the main character is embarrassed about? Helllloooo, this is MY LIFE.

Have I ever told y’all about the time I went out with this guy, and he went in for the kiss and got me in my eye? MY EYE. EYEBALL. LASHES. CORNEA. Uh huh. This would have never happened Sleepless in Seattle, bruh. As disgusting as that was, it was totally a moment and I’m not surprised it happened because I always wanted my life to be a MadTV sketch.

I’m here for the jokes I find so delightfully corny I only laugh inside my head. (I promise you, it was funny. Believe me!) And those same moments where we lovingly stare into each other’s eyes, while simultaneously thinking of those monstrous bubble guts that came out of nowhere? Yup. Sign me up.

Sorry, I’m not all that romantical when it concerns feature films, but that’s me.

And I’m NEVER going to watch The Notebook. Don’t bother trying.